Mayo Clinic selected PHC through DAI Scientific Equipment

Written By: Jamie Steiner

Mayo Clinic selected PHC through DAI Scientific Equipment to help meet their needs for the distribution of the Covid-19 vaccine.  Watch as Jason Christensen, Pharm. D., senior director of Pharmacy at Mayo Clinic describes the type of freezer that is being used to store the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine.  DAI Scientific can help with freezers that meet the -70 criteria for this vaccine as well as the -20  requirement for the Moderna Vaccine.

For more information and all your COVID-19 storage please contact your local D.A.I. Scientific equipment specialist.

Inside the ultracold freezers that will house COVID-19 vaccines


Regional Sales Manager, DAI Scientific

Jamie is the regional sales manager of DAI Scientific and leads a team of 13 equipment sales consultants. His background includes 20 years of experience working with customers in academic, clinical, industrial and bio/pharma laboratories.

Jamie works with architects, engineers and lab planners to identify the correct equipment for each user’s specific needs. He also leverages his previous role as a DAI sales representative to help his sales consultants work with customers to ensure informed decisions and customer satisfaction. He stays involved in recent research by continuously attending seminars and educating himself on the products and industries he serves.

Jamie holds a bachelor’s degree in communications from the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater.