DAI is proud to announce a new partnership with Beckman Coulter. If you are looking for a centrifuge, check out what we have. View Centrifuges
CryoSafe CryoGuard is the gold standard in vapor phase LN2 storage.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – Two of the largest hospitals in the UPMC network, Presbyterian & Magee-Women’s, recently standardized on the brand new Mopec Maestro elevating grossing station in th…
When you trust your life’s work to an ultra-low temperature freezer, you need assurance that you’re making the right decision on what brand to purchase.
St. Louis, Missouri- Recently two research labs at Washington University purchased IncuCyte Cell Imagers, which have the capability of being placed into a CO2 incubator to do live cell analysis.
The VIP® ECO product line now includes two 115V upright models to facilitate easy replacement of ultra-low temperature freezers without the need to update outlets in existing facilities.
The new University of Minnesota’s Microbiology Research facility, home to the Department of Microbiology, is an 80,000 sq. ft.
DeNovix introduces the DS-11 FX Series Spectrophotometer/Fluorometer which combines fluorescence analysis and 1uL UV-Vis in the same instrument.
Barnes–Jewish Hospital recently chose 23 of Mopec’s MG100 grossing work stations to cap off the new Pathology Suite in the Barnes–Jewish Institute of Health.